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Root Any Android Using Jodin

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KingoRoot Android(PC Version) offers every Android user the easiest one-click method to root any Android devices. How to use this universal Android root software to root your Android device? Here we go.

  1. Root Samsung Odin
  2. Root Any Android Using Jodin
  3. Root Android Odin

Root your Android via KingoRoot APK without connecting to PC.

IMPORTANT It is suggested that you try KingoRoot Apk first. It is more convenient and easy to use without connecting to a computer. Apple serializer software download.

  • Allow installation of apps from unknown sources on your Android device.
  • Settings > Security > Unknown Sources

  • Free download KingoRoot.apk on your Android.
  • Install and launch KingoRoot.
  • Press 'One Click Root' on the main interface.
  • Wait a few seconds until the result appear.
  • Try a few more times for different rooting methods if failed.
  • If still failed, refer to KingoRoot Android PC Version, which has a higher success rate.

I think you can use 'Root.apk' stored on filecrop ( VISIONary in android system ) to root the emulator because, at each reboot, it root the system. Z4root can't work because it needs rebooting to make the root access working.Sorry for bad english, I'm french. – JeremLeOuf Jun 29 '12 at 7:56. Root Genius gives the best suggestion about its suitability for root android with a PC. It's very smart in the way it works and it's a product of the great minds of China. When you have it installed on your computer, Root Genius will make root android to be fast, easy, and simple. You will have an unforgettable user experience.

One of the easiest ways to root an Android device is by using an app, and a number of rooting apps have garnered attention over the years — Framaroot,, Kingo Root, BaiduRoot,. Android is an operating system for mobile phone developed for touchscreen devices by Google Inc. A large number of people use this system. For this reason, it has become essential to introduce apps and solutions that can add more functionality and ease to it. Jan 05, 2014  Add swipe gestures to any Android, no root. One handed mode. Make your phone easier to use with one hand, no root. XDA Forum App. The best way to access XDA on your phone. An app store for independent developers. Hyperion Launcher.

For more detailed tutorial, please click

How to root any Android device and version with KingoRoot APK?

How to Root Android with KingoRoot (PC Version)

Make sure you get everything right beforehand.

  • Device powered ON
  • At least 50% battery level
  • Internet connection necessary
  • USB Cable (the original one recommended)


  1. Free download and install KingoRoot Android (PC Version).
  2. Kingo offers the best one-click Android root software for free. Just download and install it now.

  3. Double click the desktop icon of Kingo Android Root and launch it.
  4. After launching Kingo Android Root, you will see its interface as shown below.

  5. Plug your Android device into your computer via USB cable.
  6. If your device driver is not installed on your Computer, Kingo will install it for you automatically. Make sure you get Internet conenction so that device driver can be downloaded. If you are using Windows 8, you may need to change some settings first. When running Kingo Android Root on Windows 8, the issue you may most likely encounter is driver installation looping.

  7. Enable USB Debugging mode on your Android device.
  8. USB Debugging mode enabled is a necessary step of Android rooting process.

    INPORTANT: Pay attention to your device screen for a prompt window. Wondershare filmora 9 3 6 3. Tick 'Always allow from this computer'. If you don't, you will probably get yourself an OFFLINE DEVICE.

  9. Read notifications carefully before rooting your device.
  10. Android rooting is nothing big. However, it is not exactly a small issue either. Rooting your device may open a door for you, and yet with risks.

    Android rooting is a modification process to the original system, in which the limitations are removed and full-access is allowed and thus resulting in the ability to alter or replace system applications and settings, run specialized apps and even facilitate the removal and replacement of the device's operating system with a custom one. Rooting your device will immediately void your warranty. Click to know more about Android Rooting.

  11. Click 'ROOT' to root your device.
  12. Kingo Android Root will employ multiple exploits on your device, which will probably take a couple of minutes. In the rooting process, your device may be rebooted several times. Do not be panic, it is perfectly normal. And once it begins, please DO NOT touch, move, unplug or perform any operation on your device.

  13. Root succeeded.
  14. Hopefully your device is well supported and successfully rooted by Kingo. Super metroid wii wad download. Until your device reboots itself, do not operate.

  15. Check the root status of your device.
  16. Normally, you will find an app named 'SuperUser' installed on your device after successful rooting.

KingoRoot on Windows

KingoRoot Android on Windows has the highest success rate. It supports almost any Android device and version.

KingoRoot for Android

KingoRoot for Android is the most convenient and powerful apk root tool. Root any Android device and version without connecting to PC.

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Android is based on Linux, which has a strict policy on user permissions. Rooting is a process to break the limits made upon by manufactures. With a rooted phone, you will have more freedom on managing the device, such as uninstalling stock apps you don't like, flashing third-party ROMs or killing backup processes that drains battery. In addition, if you want to recover lost data from Android phone, rooting is a must. With a rooted phone, data recovery software such as DiskLab for Android can fully scan the whole device to find the deleted files. Suzuki gsf 400 manual.

Basically, we have two options to root an Android phone or tablet. One is with mobile apps and the other is with traditional desktop programs. We will introduce both methods in this tutorial.

Supported Android Devices: Samsung, HTC, LG, Sony, Motorola, HUAWEI, Xiaomi, ZTE, Lenovo and many others.

Method 1 : How to Root Android Phone without PC

Many users now prefer using mobile rooting apps because of the convenience. So we mention this method first. Up to now, there are some well-known apps for such purpose, including Framaroot, Univeral Androot, iRoot, KingoRoot, KingRoot, etc. In this example, we will show you the steps for Framaroot, as it is the best app for rooting.

Step 1Download and Install Framaroot APK

Download and install Framaroot APK from here( Find the downloaded APK and tap it to install it on your device. If you downloaded it on a computer, you need to copy the file to your Android device with USB cable.

Note: If the install being blocked, it means the phone can't install apps ouside of Play Store. You need to enable it from Settings ->Security->Unkown resources.

Step 2Open Framaroot App on Android

Open Farmaroot app and choose Install Superuser. Select the Barahir option as the exploit to root the phone. If this failed, then you can try out other options such as Boromir, Faramir, etc.

Step 3Start Rooting Android with Framaroot App

The rooting process will be started after selection. Once the phone being rooted successfully, there will be a message saying Superuser and su binay installed. Then reboot the device.

However, mobile apps still has its limitations so not every device can be rooted with this app. If it failed, please try out rooting apps mentioned above. If still not working, then please use desktop programs instead.

Method 2 : How to Root Android Phone with Computer

Desktop rooting programs are more powerful due to the high spec of computer. So the success rate is much higher than the mobile apps. In this section, we will show you how to root Android with KingoRoot, the most popular rooting tool on computer.

Step 1Install KingoRoot on Computer


Root Samsung Odin

Nikai microwave oven user manual. Download KingoRoot from here and follow the instructions to install it on a Windows PC. After open it, you will see the user interface as below:

Root Any Android Using Jodin

Step 2Turn on USB Debugging on Android

USB debugging enables your Android being controlled by a computer. So the rooting app can send command to your Android and install necessary packages to root the device.

For Android 2.0 – 2.3: Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB debugging.

For Android 3.0 – 4.1: Settings -> Developer options -> USB debugging. Arduino data acquisition into excel for mac.

For Android 4.2 and higher: Settings -> About phone, Tap Build number 7 times to enable Developer options. Now go back to Settings -> Developer options, turn on USB debugging on there.

Step 3Connect Android to Computer

Now connect your Android to computer with the USB cable. KingoRoot will detect your phone in a minute and install USB drive for the device.

Step 4Prepare to Root Android Now

Click 'Root' button at the bottom to start the rooting process. There is a circle showing the percentage of the task. When it is 100% completed, it means your Android was rooted successful. Reboot the device and you can enjoying more freedom on the device.

Rooting becomes much easier now with the rapid growth in technology. For lower version Android device, rooting app is preferred because of the high success rate. For recently released Android devices, desktop rooting program is welcomed as it is much powerful than rooting apps. However, you can try the one you like most.

Root Android Odin

Aug.3, 2016 14:18 pm / Posted by Candie Kates to Android Solution

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